
The project MosquitoLUX (2019-2022) aims to compile and complete knowledge on mosquitoes (Diptera: Culicidae) in Luxembourg. In a context of climate and environmental change, this first mosquito atlas should make it possible to draw up an inventory of Culicidae fauna, in terms of biodiversity first, but also in terms of public health and vector risks. The latter requires not only the collection of presence/absence data, but also abundance and seasonality according to different environments. This inventory should also make it possible to detect introduced invasive alien species and changes in the distribution areas of native species.
Website: https://mosquitoes.lu/
Main researchers
- Dr Francis Schaffner, expert in medical and veterinary entomology, Francis Schaffner Consultancy (Surveillance and management of biting insects), Riehen, Switzerland.
- Dr Christian Ries, curator, Department of Ecology, Luxembourg National Museum of Natural History.
- Dr Alexander Weigand, curator, Department of Zoology, Luxembourg National Museum of Natural History.
Project status
Funding consortium :
- 50% National Museum of Natural History (MNHNL). Involved departments: Ecology and Zoology.
- 25% Ministry of Environment, Climate and Sustainable Development (MECDD).
- 25% Ministry / Directorate of Health (M/DS).
Duration: 2 years (01.04.2019 – 31.03.2021). Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, field surveys were delayed and completed in 2022. The manuscript has been published in January 2023:
Host institution and administrative leader: Fondation faune-flore @ Centre de recherche scientifique, Musée national d’histoire naturelle.
Christian RIES
Musée national d’histoire naturelle
Research centre
Life science department
Research units: Ecology
24, rue Münster
L-2160 Luxembourg
- Schaffner, F., Weigand, A. & C. Ries, 2023. Atlas and catalogue of the mosquitoes (Diptera, Culicidae) of Luxembourg. Ferrantia 87, Musée national d’histoire naturelle Luxembourg, 117 p. [PDF 22,25 MB]
- Schaffner, F. & C. Ries, 2019. First evidence and distribution of the invasive alien mosquito Aedes japonicus (Theobald, 1901) in Luxembourg. Bull. Soc. Nat. luxemb. 121: 169-183. [PDF 8,94 MB]