Evolutionary potential of the raccoon roundworm

Full title

Using population genetics to understand the evolutionary potential of an introduced parasitic nematode, the raccoon roundworm (Baylisascaris procyonis)


Parasitic nematodes can cause serious diseases and their emergence in new areas can be an issue of major concern for human health, agricultural productivity and biodiversity conservation. Molecular studies of nematode invasions can make a significant contribution to a better understanding of the underlying mechanism of the emergence, spread and persistence of the parasites. Also, they will clarify the evolutionary potential of the invaders in their new range and help with the elaboration of adequate management strategies against helminthic disease. The raccoon roundworm (Baylisascaris procyonis) is a common gastrointestinal parasite of the raccoon (Procyon lotor), that is emerging as an important helminthic zoonoses that mainly affects young children. Translocations of raccoons have increased the global geographic range of its roundworm as well. Raccoons are particularly abundant and wide-spread in Germany, where they can occur at high densities in urban areas. Recent genetic work has provided evidence for at least four independent introduction events, which gave rise to genetically differentiated subpopulations in incipient contact of relatively high genetic diversity. The roundworm, however, does not occur in all raccoon populations and might therefore be much less genetically diverse due to reduced propagule pressure. The overall objective of this study is to use population genetic techniques to analyse the genetic diversity and gene flow in the invasive nematode B. procyonis to understand the evolutionary potential of the parasite and allow the implementation of successful control programmes. We aim in particular to establish how frequently the parasite was introduced into Western Europe, to estimate the geographic origin of the introduced parasites, to examine the changes in genetic diversity during the invasion process and to the landscape genetic structure of the raccoon and its roundworm in parallel.

Status of Phd

Supervisor at university: Prof. Dr. Danuta Kosik-Bogacka, Department of Biology and Medical Parasitology, Pomeranian Medical University, Powstancow Wielkopolskich 72, 70-111 Szczecin, Poland.

Supervisor in Luxembourg: Dr. Alain Frantz, Scientific Research Centre of the National Museum of Natural History, Luxembourg.

Postdoc granted by Fonds national de la recherche Luxembourg. Duration: 2 years (01.11.2014 – 31.10.2016).

Host institution: Fondation faune-flore @ Centre de recherche scientifique, Musée national d’histoire naturelle.


Natalia Osten-Sacken
Musée national d’histoire naturelle
Centre de recherche scientifique
Laboratoire/Section de zoologie des invertébrés
24, rue Münster
L-2160 Luxembourg
phone: (+352) 46 22 40 -210
fax: (+352) 46 38 48

Publications and not published works

  • Danków R., Pikul J., Lasik A., Teichert J., OSTEN_SACKEN N., 2010. The functional properties and microbiological quality of koumiss liophilisates. Probiotyki w żywności. Polskie Towarzystwo Technologów Żywności, Wydawnictwo Naukowe PTTŻ: 237- 251.
  • OSTEN-SACKEN, N. Rychlik L., 2011. Diät vom Marderhund (Nyctereutes procyonoides) in Westpolen- erste Ergebnisse. Beiträge zur Jagd und Wildforschung, Bd. 36: 171-180.
  • OSTEN-SACKEN, N. Rychlik L., 2011, Erste Ergebnisse radiotelemetrischer Untersuchungen zur Raumnutzung von Marderhunden (Nyctereutes procyonoides) in Westpolen. Beiträge zur Jagd und Wildforschung, Bd. 36: 181-189.
  • OSTEN-SACKEN N., Ziomek J. Kardynia P., Zgrabczyńska E., 2011. Distribution of the raccoon dog (Nyctereutes procyonoides) in western Poland. Fragmenta Faunistica 54 (1) 95-102.
  • Danków R., Pikul J., OSTEN-SACKEN N., Teichert J., 2012. Characteristics and salubrious properties of mare milk. Nauka Przyroda Technologie, 6 (2):1-12, www. npt.up-poznan.net.
  • Danków R., Pikul J., Teichert J., OSTEN-SACKEN N., 2013. Characteristics and properties of koumiss. Nauka Przyroda Technologie, 7, (3)#35:1-16. www. npt.up-poznan.net.
  • Danków R., Teichert J., Pikul J., OSTEN-SACKEN N., 2013. Characteristics of dietary and quality attributes of mare milk lyophilisates. Nauka Przyroda Technologie, 7, (4) #63: 1-10. www. npt.up-poznan.net
  • Danków R., Teichert J., Pikul J.,OSTEN-SACKEN N., 2013. Properties of fermented beverages from modified cow᾽s milk. Nauka Przyroda Technologie, 7 (4) #70 :1-9. www. npt.up-poznan.net.
  • Nowosad P., OSTEN-SACKEN N., Solarczyk P., 2013, Trichinella spiralis in road- killed raccoon dogs (Nyctereutes procyonoides). Annals of parasitology, Polish Parasitological Society, Volume 59, page 51.
  • Słodkowicz Kowalska A., Pacoń J., Skrzypczak Ł., Werner A., OSTEN_SACKEN N.,Majewska A.C., 2013. Intestinal parasites of raccoon dog (Nyctereutes procyonoides) from western Poland. Annals of parasitology, Polish Parasitological Society, Volume 59, page 58.

Popular articles

  • OSTEN-SACKEN N. (2002): Slots. The hidden abilities. Magazine of Life Sciences Salamandra Biuletyn PTOP Salamandra I-II (16): 35-36.
  • OSTEN-SACKEN N., Ziomek J. (2004): Raccoon dog – a visitor from the Far East. Magazine of Life Sciences Salamandra I(18): 17-18.
  • OSTEN-SACKEN N. (2005): The European Union and youth projects. Magazine of Life Sciences Salamandra I(20): 36-37.
  • OSTEN-SACKEN N., Ziomek J. (2005): How our Western neighbors protect otters. Magazine of Life Sciences SalamandraII(21): 20-24.

Talks and poster presentations

  • OSTEN-SACKEN N., Pastok D. and Rychlik L, 2008, The raccon dog and the raccoon as threats for the native fauna in western Poland – the study project and first results on the prey fauna [In: Abstracts book Protection of free-living mammal populations:20-21], 26-28.09., Zaklad Zoologii Systematycznej, Biologia Srodowiska UAM, Poznan, Poland.
  • OSTEN-SACKEN N. and Rychlik L.,  2008, Marderhund und Waschbär als Potentielle Gefahr für die einheimische Fauna – Einführungsuntersuchungen [In: Abstracts book Einwandernde Tierarten-wie sind wir darauf vorbereitet:7-8], 16-17.10., Branderburgische Akademie Schloss Criewen, Germany [in German].
  • OSTEN-SACKEN N., Rychlik L., 2008, Cirkadian activity of the small mammals in the „Ujscie Warty“ National Park. Poster. Scientific session: behavioral sciences in Nencki Institut- traditions, present and future, 24.11., Nencki Institut of Experimental Biology, Warsaw, Poland.
  • OSTEN-SACKEN N., Rychlik L., 2009, Differentiation of habitat and temporal niches among small mammals co-existing in the National Park “Ujscie Warty” western Poland, [in: Abstract Book :59], 5th “Ecology and Behaviour” Meeting, 6-10 April, Lyon, France.
  • OSTEN-SACKEN, N., 2009, Parasitenbefall von Marderhunden im Nationalpark Warthemündung im Vergleich zu anderen polnischen Gebieten. Internationales Symposium der Gesellschaft für Wildtier und Jagdforschung „Wildhygiene, Wildtierkrankheiten, Parasiten, Epidemiologie“, 16-19 April, Friedrichsbrunn, Germany [in German].
  • OSTEN-SACKEN N., Rychlik, L., 2009, Is the invasive mammal raccoon dog Nyctereutes procyonoides the bigger threat for the native fauna than the native predators? [in: Abstract Book :111], poster. World Conference on Biological Invasions and Ecosystem Functioning, 27-30 October, Porto, Portugal.
  • OSTEN-SACKEN N., Górska K., Rychlik L., 2011, Diet of the raccoon dog (Nyctereutes procyonoides) in western Poland – preliminary results, [in; Abstract book Konferencja Naukowo-Dydaktyczna Wydzialu Biologii. Wyzwania wspólczesnej biologii, biotechnologii i ochrony srodowiska:76], poster., Adam Mickiewicz University 5-7 April.
  • OSTEN-SACKEN N., Bednarz P., Rychlik L., 2011, Diet of the stone marten (Martes foina) in western and northern Poland,  [in; Abstract book Konferencja Naukowo-Dydaktyczna Wydzialu Biologii. Wyzwania wspólczesnej biologii, biotechnologii i ochrony srodowiska:62], poster., Adam Mickiewicz University 5-7 April.
  • OSTEN-SACKEN N., Rychlik L., 2011, Radiotelemetrische Untersuchung zur Raumnutzung des Marderhundes (Nyctereutes procyonoides) in Westpolen, Intenationales Symposium (20 Jahre Gesellschaft für Wildtier und Jagdforschung, PopulationsÖkologie von Raubsäugerarten, Camp Reinsehlen, April 7-10 ,Germany.
  • OSTEN-SACKEN N., Rychlik L., 2011, Diät des Marderhundes (Nyctereutes procyonoides) in Westpolen, poster. Intenationales Symposium (20 Jahre Gesellschaft für Wildtier und Jagdforschung, PopulationsÖkologie von Raubsäugerarten, Camp Reinsehlen, April 7-10 ,Germany.
  • OSTEN-SACKEN N, Rychlik L., 2011, Habitat Using, home range and activity patterns of the invasive mammal raccoon dog (Nyctereutes procyonoides) in western Poland [in Abstract book: 23] 7th Ecology and Behaviour meeting , Rennes, May 2-6, France.
  • OSTEN-SACKEN, Górska K, Rychlik L., 2011, Composition of the food of stone marten (Martes foina) in Gorzów Wielkopolski, Poland and Slowinski National Park, Poland, [in Abstract book: 94], poster. 7th Ecology and Behaviour meeting , Rennes, May 2-6, France.
  • OSTEN-SACKEN, Górska K., Rychlik L., 2011, Food composition of the raccoon dog (Nyctereutes procyonoides) in western Poland – preliminary results, [in Abstract book:102] poster. 7th Ecology and Behaviour meeting , Rennes, May 2-6, France.
  • Danków R, Pikul, J, OSTEN-SACKEN N., 2011, Effect of lactation on the some milk physicochemical traits of polish cold blood breed mares, poster. IDF International Symposium on sheep, goat and other non -cow milk. 16-18 may, Athens, Greece.
  • Danków R, Pikul, J, OSTEN-SACKEN N., 2011. Characteristics of koumiss made from mares milk of the Wielkopolski breed, poster. IDF International Symposium on sheep, goat and other non -cow milk. 16-18 may, Athens, Greece
  • OSTEN-SACKEN N., 2012, Marderhund in Polen: Bedrohung für die einheimische Fauna? Untersuchungen und Ergebnisse. 9. Fachtagung Jagd und Artenschutz, 9-10 March, Jena, Germany.
  • OSTEN-SACKEN N., Rychlik L., 2013, Diet of the raccon dog (Nyctereutes procyonoides ) from western Poland, based on stomach contents and feces analyses, [in: Abstract book: 95]. 11th International Mammalogical Congress, Queens University of Belfast ,11-16 August.
  • OSTEN-SACKEN N, Rychlik L., 2013, Parasites from feces and intestines of the raccoon dog  (Nyctereutes procyonoides), including species dangerous for people, [in: Abstract book: 137] 11th international Mammalogical Congress, Queens University of Belfast, 11-16 August.
  • Slodkowicz- Kowalska A., Pacon J., Skrzypczak L., Werner A., OSTEN-SACKEN N., 2013, The intestines parasites of the raccoon dog (Nyctereutes procyonides) from western Poland. The XXIIIth Congress of the Polish Parasitological Society, 4-7 September, Szklarska Poreba –Piechowice, Poland.
  • Nowosad P., OSTEN-SACKEN N., Solarczyk P., 2013, Trichinella spiralis by road-killed raccoon dogs (Nyctereutes procyonoides),  The XXIIIth Congress of the Polish Parasitological Society, 4-7 September, Szklarska Poreba –Piechowice, Poland.